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Among them are neurotechnologies and AI VR/AR technologies new production technologies wireless communication technologies distributed registry systems quantum technologies robotics and sensor components. Standardization is designed to improve the interoperability reliability and security of systems based on end-to-end digital technologies. Taking into account today’s realities and anti-crisis measures the government is promptly reviewing the priorities and measures of state support. We believe that in addition to the social sphere and business support the priority tasks in the short term will be support including through the instruments of legal and technical regulation of the financial system healthcare agriculture transport industry industry domestic tourism etc.

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IT should be noted that in February Russia was the first in the world to adopt AI standards in healthcare. The first five standards will come into force during including: Intelligent methods for processing medical dataAI systems in clinical medicine Change management France Mobile Number List  standard for AI systems with continuous learning”. If we talk about the medium term today we need to think about national standards in the banking sector Open API in the electric power industry CIM model etc. in the field of education SCOS Digital School in the field of healthcare AI in agriculture AI transport vehicle data collection situational video analytics smart roads self-driving cars construction BIM etc.

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Definitely the approval of such standards will contribute to the creation and wide distribution of vertical solutions based on digital technologies in the Russian market. A serious problem of digitalization of the public sector is the lack of uniform standards in the creation Business Lead of departmental and regional information systems and the choice of technologies which creates noticeable difficulties in integrating and working with data including as part of the creation of NSMS. As a result data inconsistency information security problems unjustified increase in costs including at the stage of system support and modernization. A clear example of a flaw in terms of standardization is the construction of the Safe City APK.

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