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Who would like to know some of the strategies used by some of the best bloggers in Spain? If you are one of those who are looking for examples of strategies to improve traffic to your website or blog , in this article 11 professionals will tell you their best strategies to generate visits! I have decided to ask for the collaboration of some famous bloggers and others who are just starting out, like me, for this post because I believe that it is often easier for us to start and improve when others share their strategies and experiences with us.

We all know that

there are many ways to increase the visits to a blog, but we often doubt these strategies because theory is one thing and putting it into practice is another. Therefore, in this company data article I wanted to mix two generations of bloggers, so that you can see that all of us (more experienced and less experienced) can improve the traffic to our website, you just have to decide on the strategy that best suits you and is most convenient for you. attractive, according to your objectives. So below, 11 professionals tell you their strategies to increase traffic to their website/blog.

My favorite strategy

To get visits to my Blog is the Social SEO Strategy; for. Which I define a content marketing strategy, an SEO strategy and a. Social Media strategy, but using CMO Email List an integrated design so. That all 3 work like the “best Swiss clock”, it is that simple. Today, the Google search engine and social channels represent in. My opinion the best sources to get visits, although I will mention others. That can be very useful to bring traffic, but we must take. Into account the importance of adding a Branding Strategy, since. Which is an aspect that I consider very important to amplify and strengthen the effectiveness of the Social SEO Strategy.

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