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ADV specialist  who often coincides

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In which cases can we say that the company is ready for an  inbound marketing project ? What professional skills does it need and what, on the other hand, can be  outsource ? The fact that some pieces of the inbound marketing project are entrust to external agencies and/or professionals is completely normal: what the company must strive for is a correct balance between internal  skills and outsourcing , to ensure that the value of the opportunities sales generate exec the overall costs of the project, maximizing the ROI.  

 Inbound marketing project: what professional skills are ne

From the point of view of the company, there is only one professionalism that cannot be missing in an inbound marketing project: the  marketing manager, the figure with strong strategic skills and the ability to integrate the inbound marketing project within a vision broader  relating to the positioning of the brand, its products and services. The marketing Bulgaria Phone Number List manager must understand the ne to ADV specialist    who activate an inbound plan and, depending on the resources at his disposal, can decide whether to deal with it internally or resort to outsourcing, which in turn can be total or partial.  

Although his role is indispensable

Phone Number List

It is then necessary to make use of the skills of a highly specializ figure in the technological platform:  the marketing automation specialist. , it can be outsourc precisely by virtue of the technical skills he must possess. His task is Business Lead to set up and supervise the platform on the basis of strategic objectives, activate ADV specialist    who workflows, manage nurturing activities and, by no means secondary, any integration with CRM and business applications for the automation of both marketing and – subsequently – commercial actions. 

A third necessary figure is the  with the social mica manager  – who takes care of the paid campaigns, from the setting up to the continuous adjustment according to the results obtain and the objectives to be pursue. Competence is very useful because an inbound marketing project involves maim and long-term awareness work that involves both strategic and tactical aspects.  


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