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How to help a client with a choice and get

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Retail Rocket Manager. We use a personal approach and make relevant offers In order for each client to receive their own unique version of the site, tailored to their interests and actions on the site, as well as the absence of these actions, the INTERTOP online store has implemented product recommendations that facilitate and speed up the Customer Journey, regardless of the stage at which the buyer is. The personalization system has been implemented on the main pages of the online store, including: Main page; Category page; Card Product; Search page; Brand page; Promotions page; Personal Area; 404 error page, etc. Let’s talk more about personalizing offers on some of these pages.

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We offer the best in the category As already mentioned, it is often difficult for a visitor to an online store to make a choice, even when it comes to products of a Panama Mobile Number List specific category. Therefore, on this page, he is shown widgets with category hits – those products that other shoppers prefer. Recommendations on the category page Recommend products if the customer uses the search bar When a customer visits an online store and enters the name of a particular product in the search bar, they show interest in a particular catalog item and are one step closer to buying.

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IN addition to issuing products that match the entered name, on this page you can show the client search recommendations – products that interested other people who were looking for the same thing. How to help a client with a choice and get 18.5% additional revenue using Business Lead online recommendations on the website: INTERTOP case We offer product recommendations on the brand page As is often the case with fashion and style, a customer may show interest in a particular brand. Therefore, product recommendations on a brand’s page are a great way to help them make a choice.

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