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Lead Generation – Why You Don’t Need

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In a world that is prone to globalization and end-to-end interaction (including in the field of IT communications and services) this approach is justifi. And why invent what has already been invent waste energy time and other resources make mistakes already committ by someone. It may be more effective to use a ready-made result suitable for the intend purpose of the application. Guid by this logic when developing standards EOS gave preference to the harmonization method – we analyz the international base in the field of standardization of the IT industry select the most relevant and suitable for the requirements of the.

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Domestic industry international standards (ISO IEC levels) and develop domestic standards bas on them . Now due to the direction taken in our country towards import substitution and import independence the situation may change somewhat but this will mainly concern South Korea Phone Numbers List low-level standards (defining for example specific algorithms formats etc.) while high-level and conceptual moments I believe will be affect to a lesser extent. In any case the analysis of international experience and best world practices will still be necessary. I do not even rule out that the relevance of this kind of work will increase – now it will not be possible to.

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Must take and apply you will have to “take apart the screws and carefully study each screw individually nd everything as a whole for the possibility (expiency admissibility Business Lead safety etc.) .p.) application or creation of an analogue. And this applies not least to the standards. Alexander Khonin (Angara Security): The formation of new IT standards is primarily influenc by existing ones – now they are being revis since many things are already outdat. Also general trends in information security cannot be dismiss – standards are being develop.

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