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Elementary Internet Marketing

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Thus we understand whether all tracking codes work correctly and whether all data is accurately transmitted to the system. If any differences appear we begin to dig and look for the reasons. For example the tracking code may not be set on some page and because of this the data differs. That is it is a kind of marker by which you can immediately see if something is wrong. Site and email synchronization This point is important for several reasons. Firstly thanks to this synchronization we understand how effectively triggered emails will work in a particular online store.

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For example is it possible to send an email about an abandoned view to a user whose email the store has. We also monitor the performance of trigger emails on a daily basis. If we see on USA Phone Number List the graph that today the number of sent letters is less than the average for a certain period we check what happened. Secondly in order to get as much information about the user as possible it is important to connect his profile on the site and in email. Our trackers track addresses on all pages where the user can agree to receive newsletters registration login checkout subscription forms etc.

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So that we can collect the maximum number of customer emails. Thus coverage increases the number of shipments and as a result the number of orders increases. In addition when a user opens an email and clicks on a link we have the ability to track their behavior on the site Business Lead browsing and purchase history and thus make more accurate recommendations on the site and email newsletters. Real-time integration status tracking The main value of the personalization platform is in its algorithms but in order for them to work at full capacity it is necessary among other things to constantly monitor the correct integration.

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