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The Easiest Way to Get Real Estate Leads

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Aconvenient and at the same time secure collaboration tools or their incorrect settingsan unstable economic and geopolitical situationnotes Kirill Solodovnikov. Kaspersky Lab considers training employees in the basics of information security an effective measure to reduce the number of leaks. Most incidents are not related to technologybut to the human factor. Employees may leak data negligently or intentionally. According to a SearchInform studyemployees of of Russian companies were involved in internal security incidents. of incidents were unintentional. A common motive for intentional ones is additional income. In most situationsordinary workers are to blame for the incident.

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According to Aleksey Kubarevan expert at the RTK-Solar Dozor Product Centerin recent years there has been a steady increase in the volume of information leaks from Russian companies. This happened for two main reasons. Firstthere is no legal framework in Russia obliging Netherlands Phone Numbers List Russian companies to implement leak protection systemswhile in a number of Western countries there is a strict practice of punishing data leaks. Secondlyuntil recentlythe penalties for companies for leaking personal data provided for by law were so small that it was cheaper for organizations to pay a fine than to take care of protection.

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Recently it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development plans to introduce turnover fines for data leakage. This should force companies to take the protection of their Business Lead information assets more seriously. What are the risks There are two groups of risks — financial and reputational. On the one handa company may suffer direct losses causedfor exampleby the fact that its know-how and customer base fell into the hands of competitors. On the other handthere may be indirect losses caused by a decrease in customer loyalty due to a leak of personal datasays Andrey ArsentievHead of Analytics and Special Projects at IfoWatch. Their leakage is increasingly viewed as an emergency event. If information about a person falls into the wrong handset.

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