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Home ยป Even for companies it was not easy

Even for companies it was not easy

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Even for companies By taking advantage of virtual reality it is possible to give. Your audience a virtual experience inside your stores and “behind the scenes. The idea is to offer quality entertainment, maintaining the relationship. With the brand and building customer loyalty, beyond the objective of purchasing. An example? For Milan Fashion Week , Chinese stylists were allow to participate and propose. Their creations through the screening of videos and digital content. The possibility of activating new online channels and environments allows many companies today not to waste all the work done. Luxury marketing. Don’t abandon the physical shopping experience but make it evolve.

If online offers great opportunities

New ways to reach your target in this period, there are sectors such as luxury. That mainly offer offline experiences , creating a unique atmosphere and narrative around the product. These sectors cannot and must not suddenly change their nature. Better to suspend commercial web designs and development service communication and use your online and offline presence. For useful communications and to demonstrate authentic commitment in this emergency situation. At times like these, customers are more focus on basic necessities and don’t think about facing major expenses. It is right to respect this feeling, without disappearing, to be remember with confidence when the emergency is over.

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Reshape the target

The Coronavirus pandemic affects everyone, indiscriminately. The concern in Europe and Italy is very high. There will be people who, for personal, professional or social reasons, are more involv and others less. This is an opportunity to find out about your target audience to see how much they are affect by the Business Lead epidemic and how much their behavior is changing . Pricting future changes in the public’s attitude is quite difficult and risky but understanding whether nes and intentions are changing at the moment is necessary. For example, if the main target of a European luxury goods company is the wealthy Chinese population, it is time to reinterpret that target, looking for new niches . It may be interesting to direct your investments towards the Chinese population living in Europe.

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