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Super-Hot Trends in Network Marketing Lead Generation

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Payment systems stopp working abroad as well as when paying in foreign online stores and services. The desire of the Russians to try to circumvent these. Restrictions decid to take advantage of the scammers  said Vladimir Ulyanov head of the Zecurion analytical center. “The attackers advertise their services on social networks and instant messengers. They promise citizens to make a payment in a foreign online store or pay for a foreign online service. Citizens are also offer to issue a Visa or Mastercard card which can be us to pay abroad. Advertising can lead either to the site of a pseudo-intermiary or to his personal page he explain.

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According to the expert then in order to receive the service the citizen nes. To transfer money directly to the fraudster’s account and also provide him with the personal data. Requir allegly for processing the “plastic. However no service is actually provid. Izvestia got acquaint Azerbaijan Mobile Number List with the site where it is propos to open an account. Eith a foreign bank and issue a virtual card for it. The resource says that for this you ne to contact the “intermiary via Telegram and then pass an interview at a foreign crit organization via video link. This procure costs 13 thousand rubles according to the portal. On another site studi by Izvestia citizens are promis to make a payment for using a foreign service (for example Dropbox Netflix or Steam). To do this you ne to leave a request.

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Via Telegram or WhatsApp (belongs to the recogniz extremist organization Meta whose activities are prohibit on the territory of the Russian Feration. – Izvestia) pay the invoice (consists of the subscription amount and the commission of the intermiary) and wait  hours during which the resource suppos to be paid. Pseudo-intermiaries offer the Russians to pay money to solve other problems that have arisen due to sanctions for example to overcome difficulties in obtaining Business Lead goods due to airspace closure Vladimir Ulyanov a. He warn: in order not to fall for the tricks of intruders one should study the reputation reviews and stories of intermiaries. In aition you should not rush if the issue is not urgent: it is better to ignore the standard tricks and methods of psychological pressure like “only today” or “tomorrow will be even more expensive.” Impact of the agenda Attackers always exploit the current situation and any informational occasion for their own purposes and the story of the departure of international payment systems was no exception.

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