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How to Schedule Instagram Stories

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If your actual audience does not align with your ideal target audience, you have two options. You can either shift your social media strategy or change who you think you should target. Other doctors are already using social media to their advantage. They’re out there, using social platforms successfully, and you can learn from them.

Social media listening and competitive analysis are two popular ways to research what your competitors are up to and figure out how it works for them. These tools can help you uncover untapped markets and opportunities, too.

For example, perhaps many doctors in your field are on facebook and instagram, but the healthcare specialty you have has yet to get to tiktok.

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Or there could be an opportunity for better communication with patients via an app like whatsapp.

This step only applies if you already have active b2b email list social media accounts. Take stock of your current social marketing efforts and ask yourself. What’s working and what’s not engaging with you. Your most valuable partnerships. What are your ideal partnerships.
Platform is your ideal audience on. Do you stack up against other doctors in your field online. The answers to these questions should give you an idea of where you can improve. Follow hootsuite’s social media audit guide and template for an easy walk-through audit.

If your accounts are already set up, use this time to make sure they’re set up properly.

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You figured out where your ideal audience is likely to spend the most time. Use that info to decide where you want to show up and choose the platforms you think will benefit most from your efforts.

These can be platforms other doctors Business Lead in your field or with your particular brand aren’t occupying. They may also be the places where you’re most excited to produce content. Once you’ve decided where you want to be active, fill out your accounts according to the following best practices:

fill out all profile fields, including contact information. Include keywords in your profile bios that people would use to search for your practice or skills. Use consistent branding logos, images, etc. Across networks.

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