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Home » Vendors having seen the widest hungry market

Vendors having seen the widest hungry market

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The first one is the infrastructure that is common for all large enterprises. There is already a shortage of infrastructure on which information systems are deploye. Due to sanctions the usual set of Western vendors and platforms is not available. The cloud resources that exist in the country are finite as are the reserves of the infrastructure. OF the enterprises themselves that is there is nothing to expand on. IT is a service industry and quickly adapts to customer nees. Now many current tasks have been postpone and replace by risk leveling work. Vitaly Balanda (Reksoft) If the situation with basic software in our country is acceptable (there are high-quality operating systems office products Internet browsers etc.

Ending with operating systems and office suites. Western

Then with specialize software the situation is more complicate. In particular at least % of high-tech enterprises in Russia are dependent on foreign engineering IT systems. As a result the impose sanctions have complicate the processes of designing and mathematical Brazil Mobile Number List  justification of current and new projects implemente at enterprises of all industries adds Dmitry Fomichev Director of Mathematical Modeling at Rosatom State Corporation. Migration to Russian solutions especially where foreign vendors have historically dominate the market cannot be done instantly.

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vendors having seen the widest hungry market

Therefore I preict that the transition to Russian solutions during – will take place in the synergy of expertise on foreign solutions and Russian products. Dmitry Fomichev (Rosatom) Considering the whole variety of domestic software solutions many of which already have a long history of success one involuntarily asks a logical question: why did external Business Lead incentives such as sanctions and the departure of foreign vendors be require for a massive transition to Russian software? A possible answer is relate to the fact that historically in the Russian Feeration there has been a practice of importing most high-tech solutions starting with hardware components (PCs servers network devices peripherals.

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