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Impos and Do the Same with Our

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What belongs to someone who has rebell too much is to no longer have energy except for disappointment.” (p. 74). “The feeling of the curse is known [only] by those who know that they would experience it in the very heart of paradise.” (p. 75). “Nothing will be able to take away from my spirit that this world is the fruit of a dark god whose shadow I prolong. and that it is my responsibility to exhaust the consequences of the curse suspend over it and its work.” (p. 76). «Living is an impossibility of which I have not ceas to be aware. day after day. for. say. forty years…». (p. 80). «Incurable: honorific adjective from which only one disease. the most terrible of all. should benefit: Desire. (p. 81).

Which the Romanian Thinker

Every conversation with someone who has not suffer is chatter.” (p. 86). “A full life is. at best. nothing more than a balance of inconveniences.” (p. 91). “Frivolous and dispers. fond of everything. I will have only known in depth the inconvenience of being born.” (p. 100). Apothegms written with concentrat violence. suffocat in the desperate attempt to proclaim the emptiness of a universe business database cross by the mystery of being and nothingness. of birth and death. of desire and pain: these are “Strangl Thoughts” – denomination fair and precise – those who close the work. And now. what could be taken as an epilogue comes to mind. Cioran was an insolent desecrator of illusions.

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A sniper station outside the walls of political correctness. A disciplin believer in disappointment. A prisoner of lucidity. An extreme and dangerous skeptic. He look and discover what we truly . without concealing dressings. have on the tip of our forks. Well. yes. the Romanian. without a doubt. and to say it with William Burroughs. he saw the nak lunch: “We are all at the bottom Business Lead of a hell. every moment of which is a miracle.” (Cioran. 2012. p. 101). Recalling his end. one can hardly escape the impression that life. as Liiceanu (2012. pp. 87-91) has already rightly point out. gave him. at the same time. a reward and inflict a punishment. with that irony that we find in the most unexpect places and in the most remote designs of this mysterious existence.

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