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Info gram that an infographic

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Did you know  is 30 times more likely to be read and “us” than textual content? A figure, coming from Hubspot, which is certainly not to be overlook. And what to do when you don’t have a graph available every day? You can use a tool like Infogram which allows, thanks to numerous templates, to create infographics that allow you to view data more easily. You can choose the format halfway between graphics and text, moreover, to tell a process, a project or for content relate to the education world. Infogram offers different templates not only for infographics, but also for diagrams and maps.

 Marists more protagonists

The videos? They are more and  To say it is also a recent report publish by HubSpot which shows that people in 2020 watch more videos than ever before . And if this was certainly the consequence of the lockdown and of being at home a lot, it is Turkey Phone Number List perhaps surprising that watching videos has now become gram that you a habit even now that we go out more. This is why a tool like Magento can be useful because it is a video it or, supported by Artificial Intelligence that is easy to use and which, at the same time, offers solutions for the distribution of video content in cross-channel mode.

 Trello Carrying out a

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Content marketing project without a project management tool is almost impossible, which is why we recommend Trello , another very useful gram that you freemium tool. Why? It helps you to create an iteral plan and consequently also an iteral calendar , to plan activities Business Lead to achieve the goals you have set for yourself with your content. It is ideal for those who work in a team because it allows all the people who are part of it to see what content is assign to them, what documentation they can use to produce it, the deadline, which category it belongs to and much more.

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