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Home ยป Ruble getting a job in foreign companies

Ruble getting a job in foreign companies

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Tof the Internet there is a wave of activity of malefactors after targete and DDoS attacks they decide to rely on ordinary employees Alexander Dvoryansky director of special projects at Angara Security believes: Mailing lists are also disguise as the most pressing private issues. So in the subject line of the letter there may be Scheule of work in the near future Appeal of the company’s management in connection with the current situation Reuction of the company’s staff. In his opinion such schemes are relevant primarily for small and meium-size businesses which are most affecte by the economic situation and the level of cybersecurity is low.

Earlier the Government of the Russian Feeration

Pavel Korostelev head of the Security Code product promotion department adds state support sanctions and food shortages to the list of topics. Moreover according to him the success of such attacks has grown.he Ministry of Industry and Trade propose to Germany Mobile Number List create cybertroops in Russia Vasily Shpak deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade propose the creation of cyber troops on the territory of the Russian Feeration. According to the deputy minister they should include conscripts with relevant skills in the IT field Interfax reports. I believe that in modern conditions it is necessary.

phone number list,

Approve the next package of measures to support

To have specialize cyber troops in the Russian Feeration that could protect our country in the digital space. Of course I do not give advice to the Ministry of Defense but this can be considere as a proposal Shpak said. The deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Business Lead also emphasize that employees of domestic IT companies could be include in the cybertroops who could take advantage of this opportunity as an alternative to military service. Vasily Shpak also clarifie that due to service in the cybertroops young people from among IT specialists could develop patriotic feelings and also think ten times before leaving the country in pursuit of a long.

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