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Home » Lead generation campaigns: which social network to choose 

Lead generation campaigns: which social network to choose 

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It’s a long way from Prospect to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL). Getting a conversion means not letting potential customers get lost in dead ends and bottlenecks. For this reason, social networks prove to be central to increasing the number of target leads. Lead generation campaigns cannot ignore Advertising, the main tool for reaching the target audience . However, it is essential to know if your buyer persona follows exactly her steps on that social network where you want to promote your content, product or service. Let’s see specifically what platforms are available.

Facebook: Lead Generation Ads

Given the use of Facebook mainly from smartphones, Meta did not miss this opportunity. In fact, this type of advertisement takes advantage of pre-compiled forms that perform better on mobile devices, thus reducing the risk of abandonment and, at the same Belize Phone Number List time, increasing the number of quality contacts thanks to the high level of customization. Last but not least, this type of ADV allows you to synchronize new contacts with the corporate CRM. Instagram can prove to be a valid ally for acquiring leads. Acquired by Meta, the social allows you to create ads with pre-filled forms that work like those used for Facebook, but with some differences.

LinkedIn: Lead Generation Forms

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For example, it is not possible to use dynamic ads for lead generation – a native module capable of collecting intentions and information from potential customers faster – as well as forms with questions about the store locator tool or the appointment request.

Generating high-quality , large-scale leads, tracking cost-per-lead (CPL), and accessing collected data for interpretation and integration — these Business Lead are the three key benefits of LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms. Social has eliminated the main obstacle to any potential online conversion: manual filling. With a single click on the ad, Linkedin pre-fills the fields required by the form with the information obtained from the user’s profile.



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