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Content – The Engine That Drives Lead Managemen

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INcluding in areas that are becoming the most in demand. As for the world experience here it is worth recognizing that the quality of foreign documents is very worthy and of course they should be guid by.Angara Security and the Training Center for Leaders and Digital Transformation Teams Boost Cyber ​​Literacy in the Public Sector Angara Security in partnership with the Center for Training Leaders and Digital Transformation Teams of the GSSU RANEPA conduct training on the topic “Ensuring Information Security in the Public Sector” for representatives of government agencies from all over Russia. During the webinar the head of the consulting and audit department of Angara Security Alexander Khonin introduc the audience to the main requirements for information security that are impos on government agencies today.

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The directions for ensuring information security were identifi as well as the subsystems that should be creat as part of the information security system. In aition the main stages of work that are mandatory when creating information security systems in government  Spain Phone Numbers List agencies were consider in detail. Among the listeners of the webinar were representatives of various departments of the Russian Feration: employees of ministries city administrations and ucational institutions. More than 1 people from different regions from Primorsky Krai to Kaliningrad join the broadcast. The previous training on the topic took place at the end of February: 1 people attend online more than 1 people watch the recording of the broadcast. “Today we see an increasing demand for increas security in many industries the public sector is no exception.

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Webinar participants were actively involv in the work and ask questions which demonstrat their sincere interest in the topic. Since we consider raising awareness on information security topics to be the most important task we are ready to share our expertise in creating information security systems not only during the implementation of projects for our clients but also in the Business Lead format of such trainings  – Alexander Khonin Head of Consulting and Audit Department  Angara Security .Forc import substitution: on the threshold of a new reality The departure of foreign vendors had a painful effect on customers from all industries but it will be easier for someone to overcome it such as the public sector which has been living in the software import substitution paradigm for several years and it will be harder for someone else. The situation that has develop over the past month has turn into a real.

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