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Start Marketing With Social Media

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Experts note that the majority of deposits and a significant share of loans are processed through mobile applications of banks. At the same timeto register in banking applications customers most often use a debit or credit card that they received at branches. In such a situation additional identification is not needed because the bank already has all the necessary information. The source of the Kommersant publication clarified that the idea offered by the Bank of Russia is relevant only for new clients of Russian banksbutin fact financial institutions have now been given an ultimatum – either introduce identification.

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Through the EBS in their applications or stop issuing loans and making deposits from them help. According to the source banks will have to modernize their mobile applications Japan Phone Number List  integrating identification through the EBS into them otherwise they risk being left without the ability to conduct basic transactions with individuals. Maria Mikhailovaexecutive director of the National Payment Associationnoted that such a revision would cost banks about – million rubles. The measure is quite toughbut expected. We live in the age of technology and our biometric data has long been integrated into everyday processes: from accessing the phone to obtaining a visa including financial support.

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Therefore the confirmation of our biometrics is rather a forced necessity of modern reality Roman Bashkatovcommercial director of MULTIFACTOR commented on the initiative of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The cost of implementing this initiative with a high Business Lead degree of probability will fall on the shoulders of end customers including those who do not need it. The question arises: how and under what conditions data for the EBS will be collected. There is a very specific list of requirements that must be met. For example errors of the first and second kind one’s own someone else’s which often depend on the conditions of data collection. The initiative itself is good but its future depends.

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