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Payola reminded that ACCORDING TO THE LABOR CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION A REMOTE EMPLOYEE SHOULD WORK IN RUSSIA Now the regulatory authorities have begun to closely monitor the implementation of this rule she said. In addition in the spring there were restrictions on hiring employees for the development of software products in the field of information security IS. According to M. Pyatova IN CERTAIN STATE COMPANIES THERE IS AN INCREDIBLE RULE DO NOT EMPLOY FOREIGNERS EVEN RESIDING IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

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PREFERENCE IS GIVEN TO RUSSIANS Against this background a number of countries are indeed pursuing an active policy to attract IT personnel and create excellent conditions for them. Mira Pyatova Bridge Group: China is luring our developers but not for moving but Argentina Mobile Number List for free training in the field of IT and information security. Then within one and a half to three years you need to work in this country. Specialists in the field of artificial intelligence are especially in demand. In general due to massive cyber attacks the importance of information security has sharply increased and in this area the shortage of new personnel is now most acute O. Kochergina drew attention. The HR director of Angara Security urged people thinking about relocation to approach this issue with a cool head.

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According to O. Tkacheva THE IT STAFF MARKET OF MODERN RUSSIA IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO REALIZE YOURSELF AND COMPANIES ARE READY TO INVEST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES The Ministry of Digital Development has already Business Lead noticed a trend of returning IT specialists to the country. According to the head of the department Maksut Shadayev half of those who still remain abroad continue to work for Russian companiesompetitor still dominates Competitor still dominates Despite all the difficulties the labor market in IT and information security is still a job seeker’s market. The shortage of personnel that arose.

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