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A representative of Positive Technologies

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Security tools including penetration testing code analysis etc. It does not make sense to use only Bug Bounty as an effective security tool. The combination of explosives with other technologies can also be justified when the system under study does not undergo largescale changes and the last two three five penetration tests did not show the presence of any critical vulnerabilities. In this case Bug Bounty will enable not a specific team but the whole community of researchers to look for these vulnerabilities. Or vice versa when the system under study is so largescale and dynamic that it is unrealistic to cover it all with one pentest.

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Then it is possible to carry out an initial security analysis before commissioning in order to close obvious security flaws and leave the rest in the hands of free researchers. Thus it is possible Lithuania Mobile Number List to speed up the process of finding vulnerabilities and optimize the process of eliminating identified security holes Sergey Gilev added. WHAT DO THE LAWYERS SAY? Hackers who are commonly called gray hats are called gray hats since no one and nothing guarantees that these people do not combine illegal hacking of IT systems and participation in legal Bug Bounty programs.

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No one guarantees that the data obtained during the Bug Bounty will not be used in any other way than it was intended by the organizers of a particular program. World experience has at least two options for keeping gray hats and similar communities of researchers Business Lead from illegal actions. First there are financial incentives. The losses to the global economy from cyberattacks are so great that a small fraction of these potential losses spent on Bug Bounty could prevent much larger losses. For example the size of one of the largest awards was thousand dollars: this is how Microsoft thanked.

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