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Plan your content

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 How auto-targeting puts your content in front of the right people. And what content gets the most views you will be able to develop content that tiktok will get behind. Top tip: check out this guardian article to find out more about why the algorithm works. Become a world class digital marketer 8. Have the right gear the beauty of tiktok is that its videos often have an ‘amateur’ feel. Spontaneous. Reactive content is favore over sleek. Expensive. Highly produce content like the influencer videos seen on instagram. This means that anyone with a decent phone camera can create tiktok content. However. If you’d like to repurpose your tiktok videos on other platforms. You may want to invest in more expensive equipment to produce professional content. You can always add fun elements to the professional video later before posting it.

Top tip

 here are some tips on ‘how to make videos without hiring a professional’. 9. Repurpose your tiktok content on other platforms you’ll want to get the best return on your content investment. You don’t want to shoot a video and then never use it again. This is where content repurposing comes into play. You might shoot a sleek. Professional video for instagram. And then break it into tiktok-friendly shorter videos with fun effects and filters. Alternatively. You might create a series of videos for tiktok and then repurpose them across facebook reels. Instagram reels. Or youtube shorts. Pay special attention to your top-performing content. There’s a reason it worke. So see if you can repurpose it 10. Work with influencers and creators some brands struggle with finding the right pitch for their tiktok content. So they engage content creators and influencers to help get them establishe. Influencers can help you increase reach by promoting your content to their audiences.

Tiktok has a directory of influencer

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Tiktok has a directory of influencers and can match you with the most suitable ones for your content. However. Working with influencers can prove expensive (see a few examples here) and may not be successful if you choose the wrong one. Note: tiktok often refers to ‘influencers’ as ‘creators’ because many of their influencers create content that your audience cares about in a way that looks more authentic and relevant. It becomes more of a creative partnership. Rather than just buying influence and likes. Some final expert tiktok tips some final expert tips on how to use tiktok effectively in your marketing: try to get daily updates on what’s happening on social channels (use social minds hub which is free!) customize your ‘for you’ page so that you’re expose to content that’s most relevant to your brand. Follow accounts that will update you on trends that you might miss. Remember. Many people conduct online searches using tiktok.

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