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External threats as well as protection of web applications are especially in demand says Deputy Director of the Information Security Center of Jet Infosystems Pavel Volchkov. In Russia such cybersecurity solutions by foreign companies as technologies against os attacks Web Application Firewall technologies as well as solutions of the web proxy class that analyze traffic and prevent the user from accessing malicious resources or using social networks during working hours a Forbes source in a Russian cybersecurity company not. Companies mainly bought web proxies from the American Fortinet the Forbes interlocutor a. He not that the company he works for has stopp promoting its services and their advertising as there is already a “queue of potential customers.

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Russian information security companies cannot process all the applications that. Come to them since each implement solution requires human resources and some. Incidents are monitor by living people you can’t just pile more. orc on them says a source in au.  An In-Depth Review Bahamas Mobile Number List of MLM Lead  cybersecurity company . According to him now his organization gives priority to the protection of companies from the top. 1 in Russia as well as those organizations whose websites are hack “badly reflect” on the country’s image. So immiately after the start of the “special operation the Anonymous hacker group announccyber warfare to the Russian government. Anonymous claim responsibility for.

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Attacks on Russian ISPs and government websites. In aition experts record an increase in the number of attacks on banks. For the whole of February about 1 oS attacks were record on banks in Russia since the beginning of March – already about  RBC report Business Lead citing Yegor Valov head of the WAF and Anti-oS direction at Rostelecom-Solar. Mass Hacks Many Russian companies turn out to be “completely unprepar for an increase in the number of cyber attacks says Alexander Lyamin founder and CEO of Qrator Labs. According to him now the company is working out thousands of incidents relat to oS attacks every day and their number is only growing Almost all.

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