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Recommendations in the product card looks

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Push notifications, etc. All this helps create a customer-centric approach and facilitates the Customer Journey. RIVE GAUCHE online store case RIVE GAUCHE is one of the largest operators on the Russian perfumery and cosmetics market with over 25 years of history. However, the integration of personalization into a mobile application already allows you to collect data about online and offline purchases in order to use them for further communication. At the moment, one personal recommendation widget is installed on the main page of the application, which is already giving positive results. This is how the product selection on the main screen of the RIVE GAUCHE mobile application looks like, formed on the basis of the interests and actions of the client: How personalization of a mobile application allows you to implement a customer-centric approach.

like if for some reason the item is currently

Cases of Hoff, SberMegaMarket and Rive Gauche Results: 9% of shoppers use recommendations in a mobile app; The average check of customers who use Oman Mobile Number List recommendations is 50% more than the check of other customers in the mobile application. Improving Communication Strategy With centralized data storage and a single customer profile, communications become more efficient and relevant, and less annoying. And due to the audience of the mobile application, the coverage of communications is expanding. In Retail Rocket, the Campaign Management System is responsible for this.

phone number list,

Out of stock The client is offered alternative options

IT delivers a personal offer to the client in a convenient channel and at the right time, including through cross-channel communications in email newsletters, push and sms. SberMegaMarket marketplace case SberMegaMarket (ex. is one of the largest marketplaces Business Lead where you can buy goods of many categories. More than 7 million people visit the site every month , while about 50% of orders are made by customers through a mobile application. The personalization system was integrated into 13 main types of mobile app pages, including: Main page; Category page; Card Product; Page of “empty” search, etc. For example, this is how the block of personal.

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