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Short paragraphs and plenty

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Discover the right solutions for your organization. Secure your free spot today! Hungry for more program details? Keep reading! At you’ll unlock data-rich case studies from leading brands that are successfully leveraging these technologies every day… and how you can too: mtcf23 logo garden rev2 2 here’s a taste of what’s in store: accelerating campaign execution with generative ai – with growthloop and google powering marketing effectiveness with the right ai strategy and tools – with salesforce 5 ideas to make artificial

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Superpower – with 1-800 contacts moving beyond the open: metrics to guide your email strategy – with charter school capital leveraging zero and first-party data for customer activation and engagement – with stanley black & decker b2b email list craving some marketing inspiration? Two exclusive keynotes will leave you teeming with fresh ideas: getting the most out of your : strategy technology and people – with kim davis itorial director ; megan michuda svp director of marketing operations and innovation bok financial; erica seidel founder &

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Connective good; and colleen smith global svp of marketing avid technology the marketing ai blueprint – with shawn goodin principal strategist capgemini eager for some engagement? Connect with like-mind marketer  Business Lead and industry experts during these interactive experiences: trade advice and swap solutions with fellow attendees during invigorating coffee talk meetups (available live and on-demand!). Ask a panel of ai experts your burning questions about responsibly incorporating generative ai into your marketing

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