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So to conclude  while costing time and effort

Are SEO positioning results visible in a short time

The previous point regarding content marketing strategy is intimately connected to SEO. An important asset in the inbound marketing strategy for lead generation in the b2b is, in fact, constituted by the writing of contents from an SEO perspective. Once a new site goes live, search engines need time to ‘digest’ it. According to the Ahrefs study , the pages present in the top 10 results of the Google ranking have an average lifespan of more than 2 years , while those classified in the first position have about 3. So also in this case, we must keep in mind consideration that the  ‘organic leads’ will be generated after a certain period of time. Regularity in publications and constant optimization of the site and contents are the key to delivering quality results that last over time. 

 Is aligning sales and marketing processes a waste of time

In an inbound marketing strategy,  the alignment between marketing and sales is the fundamental key to the success of the lead generation activity . The close collaboration between the two departments brings a double benefit: on the marketing side, the production of quality content, capable of attracting the buyer persona and on the sales side, the ‘capture’ of prospects through content dissemination activities (for example on LinkedIn ).  

The criticality lies in finding a way to

Unify two different teams, making them work on a common goal: in many cases it is not a trivial activity at all, it  costs time and energy to the two departments . However, when you rely on an inbound marketing service it is essential to involve the sales department in the lead generation activity: from the co-creation of content to its dissemination.  

Better clarity on who the main prospects are (buyer personas) and consequently the creation of more targeted content, capable of involving the ‘right’ leads; By disseminating marketing-created content, salespeople can connect with prospects faster. 

upfront, the collaboration between the marketing team and Sales in the long run brings significant benefits  for lead generation. 

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