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Social Media for lead nurturing

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Content personalization has long been a fundamental pillar in B2C marketing, used to increase revenue and keep loyal customers, but in the B2B world it is still difficult to implement such a well-defined strategy. Why? Companies still struggle to combine data and technology in a meaningful way, thus missing out on great opportunities that could arise from digital marketing. Most marketers know that the best way to generate leads is to appeal to Buyers in a direct, engaging and relevant way, but in B2B you don’t sell to a consumer who bases his purchase driven by an impulse, but to bound buyers by complex priorities and obligations that require careful analysis.

Why personalize B2B content

On these premises, one might therefore wonder whether the personalization of content is so necessary in B2B, the answer from the experts Greece Phone Number List is a resounding yes. Accenture, a world leader in digital professional services, conducted research on the importance of digital channels for B2B sales.

Lead scoring is a vital tool for nurturing, if used correctly it can help to precisely identify the position of your contacts within the buyer’s journey. From this information, you can then decide what types of content you need to send to help them get to the bottom of the funnel.

Data on B2B Buyers

Phone Number List

It emerged that B2B Buyers increasingly rely on digital channels to make purchases after careful research on the net, thus relying less and less on Business Lead traditional sales channels. Around 79% of revenues now come from digital and 98% do more than research online before making a purchase. But an even more important fact that the study has highlighted is that B2B marketers are unable to respond incisively to the expectations of Buyers precisely as regards the personalization of content.

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