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Home ยป So immeiately after the start of the special operation

So immeiately after the start of the special operation

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By intermeiaries offering to circumvent Visa and Mastercard restrictions. Since transactions with cards of international payment systems Visa and Mastercard have been processe in Russia through domestic processing Izvestia was previously explaine in the National Payment Card System. Inside the country plastic continues to work as usual. The largest banks plan to extend the validity of cards of foreign payment systems or not to limit it at all. For payments abroad customers will be able to use cash or Mir cards in ten countries where their acceptance has already been implemente. – for example in Turkey Vietnam Armenia Belarus. Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan according to the website of the payment system. In addition to pay for purchases and withdraw. Csh abroad you can issue a Mir-UnionPay co-badge card.

Hacker group announcecyber warfare to the Russian

Also in the Apple Store and Google Play app stores you can make payments from a phone number – the corresponding functionality was announce by mobile operators. Everything is shaky and nervous: why demand for cybersecurity solutions has grown in Russia Russian cybersecurity solution providers reporte a sharp increase in demand for their services after the start of a Indian Phone Number List military special operation in Ukraine. The influx of customers is associate with massive hacker attacks against Russian companies and the withdrawal of foreign vendors from the market. However domestic solutions are often not suitable for working in large corporations with thousands of employees and Russian.

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Government Anonymous claime responsibility

VEndors cannot help everyone because of a lack of resources analysts interviewe by Forbes said. put out fires After the start of the military special operation in Ukraine Business Lead Russian companies were massively attacke by hackers and foreign vendors of cybersecurity solutions announce their withdrawal from Russia. Because of this the demand for the services of Russian companies in information security (IS) has sharply increase. From February to March the total number of requests.

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