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The importance of personalized content

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54% of shoppers surveyed when asked: What extra should businesses offer to pique your interest? He put personalization in second place (after price and transparency of the product/service) among the factors influencing the purchase. Building relationships The importance content even before the sales process begins, translates companies into an increase in quality leads and a higher probability of conversion.  content have increased sales by 19% (source Marketingprofs).

Above all because in recent years Buyers have greater control of the purchasing process by increasingly changing the role of the salesperson, consequently a personalized customer experience is becoming a must-have also in B2B.

Companies that personalize their online

Despite this, most companies underestimate The importance content the importance of these preliminary interactions, concentrating personalize content only in the central area of ​​​​the funnel rather than in the upper part, where the greatest number of potential customers is actually expected to be reach.

Furthermore, many marketers have stated Germany Phone Number List that they do not have adequate knowledge of how to get start and what is possible with personalize content, even though today there are many easily accessible solutions that can help them, starting with marketing automation.

How to use personalized content

Phone Number List

This erroneous strategy arises from a very specific cause: the failure to integrate the data which leads to a wrong reading, consequently structuring an ineffective strategy.

Staying on the subject of content, Smart Content is a relatively new strategy in the world of digital marketing and goes beyond the generic Business Lead concept of “personalization”. How does it work? Each user who visits the website has its own The importance content characteristics, for example, the professional role, place of origin, IP address, etc. Marketing automation tools are able to exploit this information to provide personalized content , based on the characteristics just mentioned. By offering a personalized site based on users’ actions, the chances of conversion and maintaining direct communication with the company are increase.

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