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But in the second quarter the activity of intruders increased by. Fraudulent call centersexperts explainhave changed locations and are now trying to make up for lost time due to military operations in Ukraine. ethe Central Bank blocked more than thousand telephone numbers of scammersVadim Uvarovdirector of the information security department of the Central Banksaid on July at Infoforum Sochi-. This is already more than in he stressed: then the Central Bank sent information on thousand telephone numbers for blocking. Based on the statistics of the Central Bankin the first quarter of . thousand numbers were blockedthus in the second –  thousand numbers.

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Growth quarter to quarter about . According to the Central Bankthe volume of all transactions performed without the consent of the client using electronic means of payment in South Korea Phone Numbers List amounted to. billion rubles. The main attack channel used by attackers is a call to the mobile phone of a client of a credit institution in order to obtain data .. During the trends in the phone fraud market have already changed several times. Sofor exampleafter February when Russia began hostilities in Ukrainefraudulent calls to clients of Russian banks almost stopped for some timeboth the Central Bank and banks noted.

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IN the spring the Central Bank announced that they had observed a fivefold decrease in the activity of telephone scammers in Russia since the end of February. Thusfrom the beginning of the year to February the regulator initiated the blocking of more than phone numbers Business Lead used by attackersand from February to April only numbers. Howeverby mid-June fraudulent activity had actually recovered. According to expertsthe growth of fraud contributes to social tension due to the difficult economic situationand attackers have found new jurisdictions and financial schemes. During the yearthe growth of blocking will continue to growAlexander Dvoryanskydirector of special projects at Angara Securityis sure. Technologies and methods of intruders do not stand still – new schemes and informational occasions are usedthe expert explains.

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