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They can respond in a timely manner

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Even more different social meia channels contribute to your SEO results because your brand reaches a very large audience very quickly. Connect with your followers on a personal level. Comment on their posts, create a discussion about your product/service and always respond when someone nees help. Companies that use chatbots for customer service are winning the game Gartner preicts that by 2018, about 30 percent of our customer support conversations will be assiste by bots. A chatbot is software built to simulate human interaction. Like a friend who is always there for your client. It helps people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and helps increase profits by building a reliable and long-term relationship with your potential customer. For businesses with thousands of followers.

That includes responding to each follower

Coming up with a personalize marketing strategy for each client can be a daunting task. Chatbots can help keep your customers by creating a one-on-one whatsapp mobile number list conversation with each follower and answering their questions quickly and efficiently. Chatbots are fast, , and they are always polite, no matter how rude the questioner is. For example, Facebook introduce a chatbot update in its Messenger application. You can order various information from the Messenger bot, such as weather and traffic updates.

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Webcasts requires a commitment

Notifications when a shipment has arrive, and, for example, leaving automate messages for people. Live webcasting is the next big thing Facebook already Business Lead offers live webcasting with Facebook Live , and companies should learn from it. Watching live from the audience, which means it keeps the non-intereste people away. What’s more, with interactive broadcast channels like Agora , one-way live webcasts turn into two-way webcasts that give people the ability to chat with each other.

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