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check the readiness to use software

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SAP a long-term leader in the Russian market of ERP systems. As a result of the sanctions updates and global support will not be available to Russian customers and contractors of SAP implementations. The departure of Western vendors will be less painful for those who have partially switche to Russian software says Roman Dzvinko Executive Director of BusinessAvtomatika. We nee to migrate to completely domestic developments that allow us to replace any control systems from foreign vendors and are easily integrate into the existing IT infrastructure. Roman Dzvinko (Business Avtomatika) Ruslan Rakhmetov (Security Vision) believes that not everything is going smoothly with import substitution in state-owne companies either.

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According to some reports the share of Russian products use for example in state-owne companies averages -% and the rest are foreign solutions. It can be assume that the share of Russian software in commercial companies is even lower. At the same time it was previously reporte that the plans of the Ministry of Digital Development  Canada Mobile Number List of the Russian Feeration for the first quarter of include the launch of a testing center for domestic equipment and software products to check the readiness to use software compatible with Russian equipment in government agencies and state-owne companies. Probably in connection with the current situation these works.

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For their combat implementation and operation

Will be intensifie Ruslan Rakhmetov (Security Vision) believes that not everything is going smoothly with import substitution in state-owne companies either. According to some reports the share of Russian products use for example in state-owne companies averages -% and the rest are foreign solutions. It can be assume Business Lead that the share of Russian software in commercial companies is even lower. At the same time it was previously reporte that the plans of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Feeration for the first quarter of include the launch of a testing center for domestic equipment and software products to.

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