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Years ago selling to companies

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Years ago selling Each company chooses its strategy bas on the market and target audience, but there are points on which it is important to converge. Postpone, don’t cancel In this situation, with the ever-increasing spread. Of the Coronavirus, many companies and brands are reorganizing their investments in advertising and sponsorships. In line with widespread sentiment, abroad people are choosing. To shift the budget to markets less affect by the virus and lifestyle restrictions. This type of operation is necessary and useful, but must. Be guid by an overall vision that goes beyond the moment of emergency.

By following the most classic marketing

Theory and looking at “Maslow’s Pyramid”, we can understand how the nes. Of the Chinese and global populations are different at the moment we go back to the essentials. When the situation improves we will again begin to have different nes and products less link to survival. For this reason, a company seo expater bangladesh ltd must not profoundly upset its investments and its presence on the market. In fact, the most important thing is to be ready when the situation improves and customers turn in this direction again.  Enhance online experiences. As already happen in China for SARS in -, in moments of forc confinement all online experiences and services acquire particular value.

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If SARS was the launching pad for

Chinese eCommerce with Alibaba and at the forefront, today we can take a further leap forward. E Commerce will strengthen heavily in Europe and. Italy expanding its audience and the products offer and anyone who is not preparing for this wave will be making a serious mistake. But purchasing is not the only experience that can be enjoy online. In this period, e-learning, live streaming and all ways of engaging the public can also be implement. Many online training Business Lead platforms are currently offering free webinars and in-depth opportunities to involve users. A constructive way to use the time spent at home and to work on brand awareness especially in the BB sector. Brands right now can ask themselves which online channels are active and what experiences they are offering .

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