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Company Websites And What You Should

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Comprehensive training programs for employees present the material in a simple accessible language and put it in a game form: gamification increases the assimilation of skills. When implementing a DLP systemits so-called legalization is important notes Alexander Dvoryansky. Before launching the system into commercial operational set of documentation should be developed implemented and communicated to users that regulates the operation of the systemits boundaries and the responsibility of users for actions that may lead to leakage or compromise of confidential information. Practice shows that if an employee knows that a company uses such programs this disciplines him and the company as a whole receives a higher level of information security.

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Abroad there is a practice when companies provide their customers with any compensation for the leakage of their personal datacontinues Alexei Kubarev. For examplea discount on services. Domestic companies would do well to adopt this practiceas it partly compensates Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List for the reputational damage resulting from the leak. Large foreign companies also use DLP solutionsbut their implementation takes more timesays Alexander Dvoryansky. – Firsta survey of all employees is conductedthen the management talks about the goals and objectives of the implementation. Attention is focused not on employee controlbut on preventing the leakage of information related to the human factor.

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That isthe main emphasis is on an additional mechanism that allows you to insure the user against accidental errors. But from the point of view of the mechanism of functioning of the system and the tasks solved with its helpthere are no special differences. What are DLP systems Business Lead LP systems are usually understood as software products that protect companies from leaks of confidential data. Such systems analyze all outgoing and sometimes incoming information. Control should cover not only Internet trafficbut also a number of other information flows: documents on external devices outside a secure security loopdocuments that are printed or sent to mobile devicesetc. DLP systems must have built-in mechanisms for determining the level of confidentiality of a document.

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