Category: phone number list

Significant increase in revenue on the main page by . in the product card by . in the basket by . . An old friend is better than two new ones tips for creating an effective loyalty program . Segment your customer base to build the right communication with each group Shoppers will spend more…

IS to find the right one among them. The same with mailing lists the retailer always wants to cover the widest possible range in letters and tell about all the promotions that are taking place. But the user’s attention cannot cover all products and promotions which is why it is so important to monitor the…

Thus we understand whether all tracking codes work correctly and whether all data is accurately transmitted to the system. If any differences appear we begin to dig and look for the reasons. For example the tracking code may not be set on some page and because of this the data differs. That is it is…

A YML file according to the standard requirements of other services and it lacks important details for generating recommendations. Since data collection is of great importance for all further stages we carefully work out each point of integration. Immediately after installing the tracking codes our specialists check the correct operation of the scripts on  and…