Knowlege sharing is essential. Some major Russian

Near future we plan to actively expand their number. We are one of the most flexible integrators in terms of introducing new solutions to the company’s product range. And we add to the portfolio not just a replacement for a specific solution in the form of a Russian product but we introduce the entire line of solutions from a new vendor – this allows us to create ecosystems with a high quality of integration and have a broad understanding of Russian products. – How do you assess the degree of risk for the Russian IT market in connection with the departure (temporary?) of foreign IT vendors – Intel IBM VMware Microsoft Cisco and others? What should be feare in.

Vendors Have More Or Less Implemente These Areas

The first place and what should be done? Your advice for corporate users of software and hardware telecom equipment information security solutions etc. those companies that have announce the freezing of activities in Russia? – So far not so many vendors have announce a complete withdrawal from the market. The current problems with logistics and sanctions  Dubai Phone Number List activities have force many to take a break. Recent events have spurre the Russian software market and a number of new solutions will appear in the coming months. Among them will be those whose release was previously.

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But Not All Of Them Does Your Company

Postpone due to lack of demand and those that will be quickly create to close previously undevelope niches. But you nee to understand that bringing a solution to the market is not just about assembling an MVP and selling it to customers. Where most of the production Business Lead is the development of solutions the prompt update of various signatures (if we talk about information security solutions) constant RND technical support for current customers is trite. And in this sense the presence of healthy competition is necessary in order not to get a technological lag behind the world market in the near future.

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