WhatsApp Business, updates and anticipations

Whatsapp business, updates and anticipations requirement obligation within 24 hours. Status advertising, fixed number usage and much more. The most important news on whatsapp business, updated in september 2018. It is perhaps the news par excellence of the current year. Especially for those who want to develop the web. Communication of a commercial activity. Since january, in fact, companies around the world have been keeping an eye. On every small move of whatsapp, which just nine months ago . On their blog announced the arrival of an instant. Messaging service dedicated to businesses.

WhatsApp for Business: What Changes

That’s right, whatsapp business. New Database We have already talked about the main features of this free application.  That allows companies to automate, organize and respond quickly.  To the messages of their customers and contacts. If you want to get a full overview of the tool, we suggest you read.  Our whatsapp business article now, everything you need to know. Here we want to update you on the . Light your own brand. Let’s talk about it! Imageimage whatsapp for business.  What changes we took some time to browse the internet . And we have reaped the juiciest fruits of our research in this post. These are the most substantial updates . Compared to the information we gave you in our last article.

Requiregation to respond within 24 hours

Requiregation to respond within 24 hours the customer Business Lead with his needs is at the center of the system. And the company on duty, to satisfy it, has the duty to respond to its requests as soon as possible. What is the first news? Whatsapp would already have given the green light . To a smart expedient to “force” companies.  To be impeccable to their contacts.  The payment of a small amount of money in the event that the responses.  To messages received via whatsapp business are sent after 24 hours from . Receipt of the request. For the moment the messaging application has not yet released.  A date of activation of the function. Specifically, the legislation will be applied only to the.  Activities in the possession of whatsapp business.  And will affect the mechanisms of management of customer service,

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