Test Segment Frames Fixed the panel with

We have changed the logic of work when setting up the Recency filter – we have added strict equality. Now in the RFM filter for the last purchase, instead of the condition “was no more than N days ago”, the condition “was less than N days ago” works. That is, the entered day is excluded: for example, if you set the condition “the last purchase was less than 30 days ago”, purchases made within 29 days will be taken into account. Reception filter Added the ability to segment by purchases made more than a year ago in the Recency filter Previously, platform users could set the last purchase date up to 366 days in the segmenter for the RFM Recency filter (for all available conditions).

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Segmentation by purchase age Now this restriction has been lifted: in the segmenter’s RFM filter, you can set a condition based on the date of the last purchase, which was made a year ago or earlier. This is because a purchase can be made before the 366 day period, and for Senegal Mobile Number List customers with a long repurchase period, it is important to highlight user segments with such orders. Segmentation by purchase age Optimized the mobile version of the platform We (yet) do not have a goal to make using your personal account as convenient as possible from a smartphone, because.

phone number list,

Also affected the subscribers export page. Due to the

The most important functions on such a small screen are still inconvenient to use. But some users sometimes log in from mobile devices to view statistics or other data, so we paid attention to the most important things. Changed the header of the personal Business Lead account Adapted the “header” in the personal account for mobile devices. We made a special mobile version – it is more concise, and the menu is now adapted to narrow screens. Mobile version of the cabinet Mobile version of personal.

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